Tuesday 4th of March 2025 09:06:45 AM
When you visit our site (DigiJadu), these terms and conditions are already applied to your visit. That means these will come in effect as you visit our page. Thus, we advise to visit it before you start scrolling our website.
As mentioned, when you visit our site, you will automatically accept the Terms and Conditions described herein. And when you read this document and find yourself in denial of this, we ask you to stop using our website immediately.
DigiJadu has all the rights to update or modify the information from this document. And to see the changes, you need to visit this page every time you visit our website.
All the content you find on our website is an original work of DigiJadu. Informative blogs, images, articles and other contents – all of these are created considering the requirement of users, and the topic.
Thus, no one can steal, reproduce, distribute, and modify the information without permission. And if someone found doing that, it’s a punishable act.
Some responsibilities are there for users as well. They are defined here. So read them carefully!
You may find third-party links on our web pages. This is for the better clarity over a particular concept. We do not hold any responsibility of those links, and any damage, loss is of users’ own concern. Read their terms and condition and related pages prior to redirect to those links.
Be informed with DigiJadu’s Privacy Policy. Understand how users’ data is collected and why. Learn how we secure the date and use for the benefit of our visitors. You will more such information in the dedicated page of Privacy Policy.
All the information on DigiJadu is our original work and is crafted for informational purposes only. Everything we provide is a well-researched work of our expert team. We offer guide and articles without the support of any – no third-party site is involved. Use our guide for informational purposes, any loss or damage by applying our guides is none of our responsibility.
If any user is found violating Terms and Conditions, they will be kept away from accessing DigiJadu. Any kind of harm to the website will not be accepted, and thus, the consequences will emerge.
This Terms and Conditions is governed by with the laws of United States. And if any disputes emerge, it will be settled in your locality’s jurisdiction.
Feel free to ask us about anything related to DigiJadu or in general. We are ready to provide you answers through Contact us page. Simply, provide your credentials and put query you have. We will address it as soon we get it.